SFTP Smart Services


Contains multiple Smart Services for interacting with a remote file server via SFTP, FTP, or SCP.  Using these services, an Appian application can be configured to send and receive files, folders, and metadata in a process.  Features support for zlib compression.

Key Features & Functionality

Smart Services included:

  • SFTP:
    • Remove Directory Over SFTP (Basic Credentials)
    • Send File Over SFTP
    • Send File Over SFTP (Basic Credentials)
    • Receive File Over SFTP
    • Receive File Over SFTP (Basic Credentials)
    • Rename File Over SFTP
    • Get Remote Directory Contents Over SFTP
    • Get Remote Directory Contents Over SFTP (Basic Credentials)
    • Create Directory Over SFTP
    • Create Directory Over SFTP (Basic Credentials)
  • SCP:
    • Send File Over SCP
    • Receive File Over SCP
  • FTP:
    • Send File Over FTP
    • Receive File Over FTP
    • Receive Folder Over FTP
  • FTPS
    • Receive Folder Over FTPS
    • Send File Over FTPS (Basic Credentials)

All smart services in the package use Secure Credentials Store.

  • Hello!

    I need help with using the SFTP plugin, specifically the Send File Smart Service. I have followed the instructions in the documentation, but I cannot establish a successful connection with the remote server. 

    These are the steps that I have performed: 

    - I have downloaded the rsa file that contains the private key and uploaded it to the privateKeyFile field. 

    - I have created a Third-Party Credentials and added there the username. 

    However, when I try to run the plugin, I receive a timeout error. 

    I have generated a ppk with puttygen and configured the private key with this value but it tells me that the ppk is invalid. 

    The configuration that I have is the following: 

    Could someone please tell me what I am doing wrong and how to solve this problem? 

    Thank you very much for your attention and collaboration.

  • Hi, currently we are also facing the same issue. Were you able to resolve this? Any leads/updates would be much appreciated.



  •   - We are facing the Invalid Private Key issue still. Please refer to 


    for more information/details. Please take a look, any quick response would be much appreciated.

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