SFTP Smart Services


Contains multiple Smart Services for interacting with a remote file server via SFTP, FTP, or SCP.  Using these services, an Appian application can be configured to send and receive files, folders, and metadata in a process.  Features support for zlib compression.

Key Features & Functionality

Smart Services included:

  • SFTP:
    • Remove Directory Over SFTP (Basic Credentials)
    • Send File Over SFTP
    • Send File Over SFTP (Basic Credentials)
    • Receive File Over SFTP
    • Receive File Over SFTP (Basic Credentials)
    • Rename File Over SFTP
    • Get Remote Directory Contents Over SFTP
    • Get Remote Directory Contents Over SFTP (Basic Credentials)
    • Create Directory Over SFTP
    • Create Directory Over SFTP (Basic Credentials)
  • SCP:
    • Send File Over SCP
    • Receive File Over SCP
  • FTP:
    • Send File Over FTP
    • Receive File Over FTP
    • Receive Folder Over FTP
  • FTPS
    • Receive Folder Over FTPS
    • Send File Over FTPS (Basic Credentials)

All smart services in the package use Secure Credentials Store.

  • Hi Team,

    We have an issue in SFTP send file over SFTP smart service, we are able to configure the service to send the files from Appian to other system. The connection is successful too but unfortunately we are not getting any error or failure notification process is getting completed with no errors. The other system is not receiving the files what we are generating. Can someone please help us in this scenario. Any suggestions what steps need to follow regarding this to verify every step in process.

  • Is there a way to do two factor authentication for SFTP via this smart service?

  • Hi, we're using

    • Receive File Over SFTP (Basic Credentials)

    And having the error : 

      * Error creating the local file or directory /see application server log for more details. Error Message: User does Not Have Rights to Perform this Operation

    When trying with system  admin user, it works fine. But with ordinary user it does'nt.

    The ordinary user is included in the security of the process model object.

  • Hi ,

    Yes, we have the latest version of the plugin.

    We have tested it with an old customer ftp version and it works, but with the new customer ftp version it doesnt.

    The main difference between that versions is that with the new ftp version, only the comunications with TLS 1.2 or higher are supported, so, supports the plugin TLS 1.2 or higher?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Also we have tested the conection to the new customer ftp version in Filezilla and it works, the problem is in Appian.

  • Hi,

    An FYI....

    Using v2.3.0 and just had upgrade to Appian 23.1 then a process model with a node using receive file over SFTP smart service configured as an MNI node failed.

    The node would correctly sftp the first in the batch of files and the MNI creates instances for all the files in the batch, however all but the first instance are not started.

    The issue was resolved by deleting the smart service node from the process model and recreating it using the palette and then reconfiguring.

    All now seems OK

  • This seems like a weird area of feature-incompleteness.  Can you expand on why this feature has been left out?

  • Out of curiosity, how do we utilize the "Remove Directory over sFTP" functionality if we're using the External System Key type setup?

    I'm super confused why "Remove Directory" is only available using basic credentials, while "Remove File" is only available using External System Key - shouldn't they both be availble in both conventions, similar to how the other smart services both have versions in both methods?  What's with the disparity? 

  • v3.0.2 Release Notes
    • Updated commons-net library. Additional plugin enhancements were also made, please see the SFTP document for the changes.
  • I am trying to use this plugin to send file over SFTP. I created third-party credentials in admin console and configured the key generated in the plugin but I am getting following error message.

    Required field username does not exist in Secure Credentials Store sftpconnection

    I verified even the plugin logic to understand the issue but no luck. Any one faced this issue?