SQL to Excel


  1. Generating Dynamic Budget Reports using multiple database tables using SQL to Excel Smart Service.
  2. Import Financial Budget of the Organization right from the Excel Sheet in a Single Step.
  3. Use Predefined Excel templates to apply styling on the generated sheet.

Key Features & Functionality

  • Ability to Export SQL Data in a predefined template for dynamic reports
  • Import Excel Data in CDT
  • Excel Change Sheet Order
  • Delete Excel Sheet
  • Multiple templates can be associated with multiple worksheets of a single workbook.
  • Hi Team,

    I have used SQL to Excel Smart Service and am facing an issue with the same. 

    One of my database fields has "=> First point, => Second point" as value and when I try to export, I am facing the below error,

    "Parse error near char 0 '>' in specified formula '> First point, => Second point'. Expected cell ref or constant literal"

    Could you fix the error in the plugin!!?

    Thanks in Advance!!!

  • The above is not an issue. Generated excel doesn't invalidate formulas, so, it throws an error when "=" is present in the cell's first position, as the excel treats that specific cell as a formula.

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