Transaction Manager


The Transaction Manager application provides a solution to handle transaction processing across multiple queues and priorities with typical queue management features such as throughput handling, parallel execution, batch processing. If you have work items to be processes, or need to manage your resource utilisation the Transaction Manager can help you handle it.

Below are some use-case examples.  Details about these use-cases are available as part of the documentation provided in the download package.

  • Maintain a continuous backlog of user tasks
  • Cancel a scheduled transaction
  • Schedule an item for future execution
  • Configure a recurring schedule
  • Guarantee processing order
  • Priortise the order my transactions are processed
  • Limit the time period my transactions are processed
  • Retry X times before passing to a system administrator 

Key Features & Functionality

  • Multi-queue processing
  • Throughput and scaling of individual queues
  • Resource utilisation management
  • Parallel execution across process engines
  • Hi, similar to the previous commenter: we have tried to use this application for larger volume of transactions. The issue is, if transaction count is close to 1 million, the db view which is used to generate transaction statistics starts performing very slow, and the screen TM_if_Dashboard fails because of the db timeout. What would be your recommendation for such kind of situations?

  • Hi, similar to the previous commenter: we have tried to use this application for larger volume of transactions. The issue is, if transaction count is close to 1 million, the db view which is used to generate transaction statistics starts performing very slow, and the screen TM_if_Dashboard fails because of the db timeout. What would be your recommendation for such kind of situations?

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