Manage your UiPath Orchestrator and start Jobs directly from Appian! Users can connect to their UiPath Orchestrator and perform multiple operations against it. See which robots are connected and what processes are available to run. The UiPath Connected System Plug-in uses the UiPath Orchestrator API for each operation listed below.
*Demo App Requirements:
Key Features & Functionality
Hi, I downloaded the package and tried to import the same.Got the below error message:
Please advise on same.
Hello danielc, i followed instructions on uipath docs some days ago. All works. ty!
Hello, you can follow this guide provided by UiPath (https://orchestrator.uipath.com/v2019/reference#consuming-cloud-api), there you can check how to connect trough the bearer token, then you can use those methods from the UiPath Api (Not all are necessary) in Appian integrations in order to use and manage you robots
Hello Teams, I'm trying to build an Integration using this plug in but it still requires tenant, username (email) and password. UIPath CE on cloud abandoned this procedure and implemented the bearer token method for Making Orchestrator API Calls. Is there any chance of updating this Connected System, please? How can i work around this in Appian? Thank you very much for suggestions.
Hi, I'm receiving an error message when switching the operation to "Start Job" the message says to "Contact the developer of this template to resolve the issue". Please refer to attached screenshot.
The issue was with my Ui Path account, it seems that there is a new version where tenants are managed in a different way, I found another link (I think it's from a previous version) in which I created a new tenant etc....
I tested the functions to get information like environment, robots etc and everything works well but... I have troubles with the Get Release Key, and Start Job operations they are not working
Maybe It could be a problem with the Appian version because when I try to import the demo in my enviroment I get the following error: The selected package was exported on version and it cannot be imported or inspected on version (APNX-1-4154-001)
Is it possible to use the plug in with the community licence given by Ui Path? I've already created my account and tried to use it in a connectes system but it's not working I always have the errorCode: 1000 message: Invalid credentials, failed to login.
I'm pretty sure that I'm using the correct username and password
We're unable to make use of this plugin because it does not appear to support Organizations, which is a level of abstraction between Tenancies and Environments. Each tenancy has many organizations, and each organization has environments. Please consider adding this!