Unified Task Enablement System


To address the outlined requirements, development teams are transitioning to a data-centric approach for tracking task progression and actions. This shift involves establishing task/audit-specific structures and replicating features inherent to Appian.

  • Slower time-to-market
  • An increase in short-term rework.
  • Directly compounds over time and result in significant increase in costs due to rework.

Key Features & Functionality

Key features of the Unified Task Enablement System include:

  • Feature: DB Based task approach -Task Assignment/Reassignment (Role based secure access to tasks), SLA, Auto-Escalation, Notification
    • Benefit: Enhanced time-to-market and reduced rework.
    • Impact: Reduced memory consumption with ad-hoc process for better system health.
  • Feature: Modular platform which is decoupled from actual business logic.
    • Benefit: Easy to maintain and deploy across environments.
    • Impact: Minimize disruptions to the larger organization and ensure greater buy-in
  • Feature: Analytics-driven insights, reports and dashboards to enable strategic decision making
    • Benefit: Achieve insights related to the KPIs and reduce operational efficiencies
    • Impact: Eliminate silos and duplications in data by serving as a “Single Source of Truth”
  • Feature: Additional Task Reporting screen (Switch-Enabled) with bulk Reassignment for business using Task OOTB.
    • Benefit: Effective UI to access and act on the tasks created through task OOTB functionality.
    • Impact: One-stop to access all the tasks and assess/act on them based on deadlines

Benefits & Business Impact

  • Increased Operational Efficiency: By optimizing task management processes, our suite enhances operational efficiency, enabling support teams to handle tasks more effectively and promptly.
  • Reduced Manual Workload: Automation features minimize manual intervention, allowing support personnel to focus on strategic initiatives and higher-value tasks.
  • Enhanced Task Visibility: The centralized view and robust documentation support offer improved visibility into task statuses and actions taken, enhancing transparency and accountability