Zip File Utilities


Validate the file extensions in an uploaded zip file and unzip the contents into the target folder.

Key Features & Functionality

  • Unzip smart service will unzip the contents of a zip file into the selected destination folder
  • Zip File Detection smart service will check whether a zip package contains files with the provided extensions
  • Hi Team, 

    I downloaded the plugin and I tried to use it. I need to know how to valorize the parameter File Path to Extract. In the zip file I'm trying to extract, I don't have subfolders but at the same time I can't leave the field blank. Could you provide an example of valuing this parameter?

    Thank you in advance

  • Hi Team, 

    I downloaded the plugin and I tried to use it. I need to know how to valorize the parameter File Path to Extract. In the zip file I'm trying to extract, I don't have subfolders but at the same time I can't leave the field blank. Could you provide an example of valuing this parameter?

    Thank you in advance

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