Zip File Utilities


Validate the file extensions in an uploaded zip file and unzip the contents into the target folder.

Key Features & Functionality

  • Unzip smart service will unzip the contents of a zip file into the selected destination folder
  • Zip File Detection smart service will check whether a zip package contains files with the provided extensions
  • v2.2.0 Release Notes
    1. Added new functionality:
    2. Extract File from Zip Smart Service: Extract a given file path from a ZIP or JAR, renaming and moving the file as needed
    3. doesZipContain Function: Checks whether a ZIP or JAR contains a specific file path, either by exact match or Regex.
    4. Updated libraries:
    5. Added Apache Commons IO
    6. Updated Apache Commons Net & Oro

  • v2.2.0 Release Notes
    1. Added new functionality:
    2. Extract File from Zip Smart Service: Extract a given file path from a ZIP or JAR, renaming and moving the file as needed
    3. doesZipContain Function: Checks whether a ZIP or JAR contains a specific file path, either by exact match or Regex.
    4. Updated libraries:
    5. Added Apache Commons IO
    6. Updated Apache Commons Net & Oro

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