Zip Utility


Smart Services

  • Create Zip File - Zips document from Appian. Also encrypts the zip file using a password.
  • Zip Extractor - Unzips the contents of a given Appian zip document into a destination Appian folder. The new documents will be returned in the extracted folder. The unzipping process will maintain the folder structure in Appian.
  • Zip Content Extractor Unzips the contents of a given Appian zip document into a destination Appian folder. The new documents will be returned in the extracted folder.

Key Features & Functionality

Create Zip File


  • Documents (Document) - The documents to be zipped
  • Save In Folder (Folder) - Folder to which the output zipped document will be saved
  • File Name (Text) - Name for the newly created zipped document
  • Password (Text) - Password of the zip file


  • Error Message (Text)
  • Error Occurred (Boolean)
  • Zip File Id (Document)

Zip Extractor / Zip Content Extractor


  • Zip Document (Document) - Zip file to be extracted
  • Extracted Folder (Folder) - Folder to which the output extracted document(s) will be saved
  • Password (Text) - Password of the zip file


  • Error Message (Text)
  • Error Occurred (Boolean)
  • Folder Id (Document)


  • I have come across an issue when I use the zip extractor it isn't unzipping the file names correctly if there are any periods(.) in the filenames.

    Here is an example of the a zip that i'm having the issue with these file below, 

    when unzipped they are saved in appian as with the partial names instead.

  • I have come across an issue when I use the zip extractor it isn't unzipping the file names correctly if there are any periods(.) in the filenames.

    Here is an example of the a zip that i'm having the issue with these file below, 

    when unzipped they are saved in appian as with the partial names instead.

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