Issue with quick install 18.2

Good afternoon,

Hope you can help - I've been following the 18.2 quick start installation guide word for word but have run into this error - I have restarted the guide on a fresh install and have found the same issue.

I have attached a pastebin output for your persual here, the error occurs when attempting to start jboss, the configuration verifies okay and appian itself starts with no issue:

Your assistance/insight as to what is wrong here would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,


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  • Thank you both for your help.

    I have now managed to get the server started and, although it looks as though it has started correctly (when I hit myFQDN:8080 it responds), when I do http:myFQDN:8080/suite nothing responds.

    I have once again attached the output of starting jboss here - any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks again for both coming back so quickly.

    Kind regards,


  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to howardh0001

    Taking a quick guess - it looks like JBoss can't deploying the suite WAR as it thinks its already loaded (which I don't think is the case based on the startup log and inability to access the /suite endpoint). As Jose mentioned, there are marker files that JBoss uses to deploy, and I think that's the culprit.

    I would stop JBoss, then go into your <install>/ear folder and look for a file name suite.ear.<something> and rename it to suite.ear.dodeploy then start JBoss again.

  • Hi Justin,

    Thanks for coming back again.

    I have done as suggested and I am getting a different error now, I was wondering if you could take a look? I got this once, decided to uninstall appian and rebuild it with a new jboss directory and is coming up with the same issue:

    Many thanks for your help,


  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to howardh0001

    The error that jumps out to me is:

    org.hibernate.connection.DatasourceConnectionProvider - Could not find datasource: jdbc/AppianDS13:32:59,136 INFO  [stdout] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 423) javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: jdbc/AppianDS -- service

    I would double check Step #5 in the guide: If that AppianDS value doesn't match what's in the ds.xml file under ../jboss/standalone/deployments/appian-mysql-ds.xml, then you can get that error. More info on the mysql db config files is here:

  • Thanks for the reply once again. I can confirm that these are both the same, unfortunately.

    The contents of the appian-mysql-ds.xml is:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <datasources xmlns="">">
    <!-- System Datasource -->
    <xa-datasource-property name="URL">jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/appian_schema?useOldAliasMetadataBehavior=true</xa-datasource-property>
    <xa-datasource-property name="useUnicode">true</xa-datasource-property>
    <xa-datasource-property name="characterEncoding">UTF-8</xa-datasource-property>

    And the is:

    ## Appian must have a dedicated data source. Set the value to the JNDI name of
    ## the data source that will be used as the Appian data source.
    ## Note: This data source must point to a separate tablespace than any listed
    ## in the configuration.
    ## Comma-separated list of JNDI names of data sources on the application server
    ## that will be used to store business data. This list is used by the Query
    ## Database smart service and Data Stores.

    EDIT: I've confirmed than when I remove the .dodeploy in ear suite everything launches without an issue and I get the successful startup message - does that indicate that's where the issue is?

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to howardh0001

    Then my next guess is the ds.xml file didn't deploy at all. What files are under jboss/standalone/deployments? You need to have appian-mysql-ds.xml and another file called appian-mysql-ds.xml.dodeploy. The latter file will be renamed as appian-mysql-ds.xml.deployed when it loads properly, and appian-mysql-ds.xml.failed (or similar) if not.

    I'd read this article next to see if one of the solutions there solve this:

Reply Children
  • Thanks for your help.

    I will have to pick this up again tomorrow, however - I redeployed from the repo to restore the ds.xml.dodeploy and ran again with the same result. I have checked the article you linked and can find nothing else to rectify according to that. I have appian-mysql-dsI.undeployed now have pasted the results below:

    All the best,


  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to howardh0001

    Your DS is getting loaded now:

    15:53:03,540 INFO  [] (MSC service thread 1-1) JBAS010400: Bound data source [jdbc/AppianDS]

    The error now is something with your keystore file, though the error isn't very helpful to suggest a clear course of action.

    Caused by: com.appiancorp.common.config.FatalConfigurationException: com.appiancorp.suiteapi.common.exceptions.AppianException: An unexpected error occurred while trying to load the keystore. (APNX-1-4210-005)

    I haven't seen the root cause of "Caused by:" before with this - normally the error is more descriptive, such as the file is out of sync with the primary database. Others might have some ideas, but I suggest asking Appian Support.