hi, I installed the Appian server as a Windows service, but failed to start the

hi, I installed the Appian server as a Windows service, but failed to start the service. The error message is "service on Local Computer started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they are not in use by other service or programs". Any idea?...



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  • Have you confirmed the environment starts properly from the command prompt? You better try that first to confirm, then stop everything and now try the service.
  • Hi ,
    After confirming if Appian is starting from command prompt as Eduardo suggested, Could you please check if Appian service is started as local User Account or a Service User Account? If it is not local account please check whether the user as whom Appian is started has all the privileges on Appian folder and to start Appian.
  • hi hemalathat, the Appian service is started as local User Account. After restarting the PC, this issue is gone. but when i try to stop the Appian service, an error says "Could not stop the Appian 7 service on Local Computer.Error 1053:The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.". After that, when I try to start the Appian service again, the error "service on Local Computer started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they are not in use by other service or programs" shows up. It seems that the service stop timeout causes the start issue. Any idea?
  • Here's is what is happening:

    1. When you start the Appian service after restarting the PC everything works fine because there are no actual issues with the install.
    2. When you click "Stop" in the Windows Services you get the "The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion". This is a false positive and shouldn't be of any concern, it just means that Appian is taking longer than the 30 seconds limit in Windows for any service to stop.

    3. When you click "Start" again, since you think the engines stopped but they are actually still stopping you can this type of errors/

    What you have to do is:

    1. Once you confirm (i.e. after restarting the PC) that the engines start properly use the environment normally.

    2. If you ever need to stop the service click "Stop", you may get the false positive: "The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion", click "Ok" and monitor the CPU usage using Windows Task Manager and the review the "Processes" tab.

    Wait until the CPU usage has gone down and that all k.exe processes have disappeared (make sure to select "Show processes from all users).

    3. This will guarantee that you can start the engines the next time with no issues.
  • hi eduardo, in your step 2 , after stop the windows service the k.exe processes have not disappeared for more than ten minutes. I have to run the stop-suite.bat to stop the engines. after that, the error shows up when I try to restart the Appian 7 service.
  • Searched for "Error 1053:The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.", it is said that the Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack can fix service stop timeout issue. Not sure if it is helpful.
  • That should help you to reduce the likelihood of the error message. Give it a try.

    I still think the issue is the fact that the k.exe processes are not stopping completely before you start the engines again. You need to double check the % of the CPU usage to confirm whether the k.exe processes are still stopping.
  • This issue has been solved by adding ServicesPipeTimeout in register to enlarge the service timeout duration. Though the timeout error message is still showing up, the Appian processes are killed.