Appian Installation Issue - Service Manager Could Not Be Started

Good morning Sir, Madam,

I am trying to install APPIAN locally in my Computer.

I followed all the steps in the below link:

I have valid k4 and k3 licenses files.

When I try to launch the the first command (<APPIAN_HOME>\services\bin\start.bat -p <password> -s all), I have the following error:

c:\appian20.3.90.0\appian\services\bin>start.bat -p admin123 -s all
Detected Appian version from
Starting Distributed Transaction Log
Zookeeper connected, root child count of [12]
QuorumPeerMain is already a running process
Service Zookeeper successfully started
local Kafka broker 0 : (EndPoint(localhost,9092,ListenerName(PLAINTEXT),PLAINTEXT)) : null registered in Zookeeper
Kafka is already a running process
Service Kafka successfully started
Distributed Transaction Log Started
Starting Service Manager
Executing command: '[cmd, /c, c:\appian20.3.90.0\appian\services\lib\scripts\service-manager.bat]' in c:\appian20.3.90.0\appian\services\lib\scripts with environment [JAVA_OPTS:-XX:ErrorFile=c:\appian20.3.90.0\appian\logs\service-manager/service_manager_error_pid%p.log -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=8g -Xms64m -Xmx8g ]
Waiting for Service Manager to launch
Service Manager could not be started

Please, can you help me with this issue?




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  • Hello Richard

    Can you share the logs/service_manager.log file as this will provide more detailed information.

    If we assume you've ensured the system requirements for installing appian are met, can you check the following:

    1. Windows Firewall is temporally disabled

    2. You are launching the start.bat file as administrator i.e right-click start.bat and select "run as administrator"

    3. You've made the correct config changes to the /conf/, tomcatResources.xml, data-server-sec.propertis and copied the lic files in the correct locations.

    You can try and run:

    1. /services/bin/stop.bat -p <password> -s all

    2. Check there are no lingering processes by opening task manager or using process explorer. If there are then kill them.

    3. Start again.

    Please confirm

    Thank you


  • Hi Tony,

    Thanks for your answer.

    I did all the suggested controls and I started again the server (in DEBUG mode). Please find below the error that I have (the message is indicating where the program is exiting):

    c:\appian20.3.90.0\appian\services\lib\scripts>if "0" == "0" goto mainEnd

    c:\appian20.3.90.0\appian\services\lib\scripts>if "Windows_NT" == "Windows_NT" endlocal
    Service Manager could not be started

    c:\appian20.3.90.0\appian>if "1" == "0" goto mainEnd

    c:\appian20.3.90.0\appian>rem Set variable START_EXIT_CONSOLE if you need the _script_ return code instead of

    c:\appian20.3.90.0\appian>rem the _cmd.exe /c_ return code!

    c:\appian20.3.90.0\appian>if not "" == "" exit 1

    c:\appian20.3.90.0\appian>exit /b 1


  • 0
    Certified Associate Developer
    in reply to Richard Manga

    Hi Richard,

    I have encountered a similar issue before. To resolve it, I observed that the root cause was an improper shutdown of the Appian server. Please ensure that everything is smoothly shut down. Remove the Zookeeper and Kafka logs in the services/data directory, remove hs, and ss from data-server/data, provide the Java path, and start the services according to the documentation.

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