Good morning Sir, Madam,
I am trying to install APPIAN locally in my Computer.
I followed all the steps in the below link:
I have valid k4 and k3 licenses files.
When I try to launch the the first command (<APPIAN_HOME>\services\bin\start.bat -p <password> -s all), I have the following error:
c:\appian20.3.90.0\appian\services\bin>start.bat -p admin123 -s allDetected Appian version from build.infoStarting Distributed Transaction LogZookeeper connected, root child count of [12]QuorumPeerMain is already a running processService Zookeeper successfully startedlocal Kafka broker 0 : (EndPoint(localhost,9092,ListenerName(PLAINTEXT),PLAINTEXT)) : null registered in ZookeeperKafka is already a running processService Kafka successfully startedDistributed Transaction Log StartedStarting Service ManagerExecuting command: '[cmd, /c, c:\appian20.3.90.0\appian\services\lib\scripts\service-manager.bat]' in c:\appian20.3.90.0\appian\services\lib\scripts with environment [JAVA_OPTS:-XX:ErrorFile=c:\appian20.3.90.0\appian\logs\service-manager/service_manager_error_pid%p.log -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=8g -Xms64m -Xmx8g ]Waiting for Service Manager to launchService Manager could not be started
Please, can you help me with this issue?
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Hello Richard
Can you share the logs/service_manager.log file as this will provide more detailed information.
If we assume you've ensured the system requirements for installing appian are met, can you check the following:
1. Windows Firewall is temporally disabled
2. You are launching the start.bat file as administrator i.e right-click start.bat and select "run as administrator"
3. You've made the correct config changes to the /conf/, tomcatResources.xml, data-server-sec.propertis and copied the lic files in the correct locations.
You can try and run:
1. /services/bin/stop.bat -p <password> -s all
2. Check there are no lingering processes by opening task manager or using process explorer. If there are then kill them.
3. Start again.
Please confirm
Thank you
Hi Tony,
Thanks for your answer.
I did all the suggested controls and I started again the server (in DEBUG mode). Please find below the error that I have (the message is indicating where the program is exiting):
c:\appian20.3.90.0\appian\services\lib\scripts>if "0" == "0" goto mainEnd
c:\appian20.3.90.0\appian\services\lib\scripts>if "Windows_NT" == "Windows_NT" endlocalService Manager could not be started
c:\appian20.3.90.0\appian>if "1" == "0" goto mainEnd
c:\appian20.3.90.0\appian>rem Set variable START_EXIT_CONSOLE if you need the _script_ return code instead of
c:\appian20.3.90.0\appian>rem the _cmd.exe /c_ return code!
c:\appian20.3.90.0\appian>if not "" == "" exit 1
c:\appian20.3.90.0\appian>exit /b 1
Hi Richard,
I have encountered a similar issue before. To resolve it, I observed that the root cause was an improper shutdown of the Appian server. Please ensure that everything is smoothly shut down. Remove the Zookeeper and Kafka logs in the services/data directory, remove hs, and ss from data-server/data, provide the Java path, and start the services according to the documentation.