Unzipping a zip file

Certified Senior Developer

Hey Guys,

I have requirement to get the zip file from UI and unzip and then process further, Here we tried using two different plugins,

  • Extract Zip --- this plugin doesn't work as expected, some of the subfolder in our zip doesn't unzipped.
  • ZIP Content Extractor -- This works as expected but it's taking much time to extract (eg: - for a 5 MB file, approximately it took more than 5 minutes)

is there any possible option to extract Zip file which will be uploaded from Interface?

Thanks in advance.

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Parents Reply
  • Apologies if you inferred that as the recommended solution. I would absolutely use a database table column to track the status of the unzip process. I'd set it to "unzipping" (or equivalent) when the process was started (e.g.. just before the unzip smart service was reached) and then to "unzipped (or equivalent) just after the said smart service, and point the refresh variable at this table/column. Typically such an unzip is then followed by some individual processing, so this could also be reflected in the table (e.g. you could have a progress bar, if we were able to write and update a count of items processed against a total number extracted from the zip file) etc etc
