Text input disappears when clicking elsewhere



I created a Interface with a wizard including some text boxes, drop downs and radio buttons on the first page and 4 text boxes on the second page of the wizard. 

When the interface is opened as a standalone tab in chrome, on the first page everything works fine. Including all expressions.

On the second page when I type something in one of the text boxes and click on something else the text disappears. When I do this on the interface in the designer everything works the way it should.


Any solutions?

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  • This is really weird, I tried everything now. Every text box I add and link to an interface input does the same thing. The existing ones on the first page of the wizard are the only ones that work. All text input of new text boxes added now disappear regardless of location in the interface. I tried making another interface with text boxes and calling it on the existing interface, same thing
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to sjoerds0001
    Did you say the input disappearing issue is happening when it's used in an in-process task? Can you post a screenshot of your task configuration?
  • It's nothing complete. I'm making a testcase for a group of colleagues to present the capabilities of Appian. For now I created an interface to show the dynamic capabilities of that component. The processmodel connected to the interface is just start to end. I saved the interface as an application and opened it trough tempo. The application then opens standalone in another tab. That's where the problems are. half the forms textboxes work properly and the ones I add now don't. Text typed in immediately disappears when clicked elsewhere. When I use the interface in designer and type something in the textboxes everything works. I can see the text not disappearing and the value change on the interface inputs tab
  • I pasted your code in a new interface and defined the necessary rule inputs, and everything works fine. Assuming your rule inputs are correct, then the problem is not in the SAIL code. Take a look at how you're binding process data to your form inputs. For example, make sure all the types match. You could also post a screenshot of your form configuration in the user input task.
  • well I solved it sort off. I came to the conclusion that something had to be seriously broken in the designer. I copied the code. Ditched the interface and process connected. I created a new interface with a form, not a wizard and pasted the code. Now it's working. Thanks for the help.
  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to sjoerds0001
    The reason I asked to see your task configuration, and what was getting at too probably, was the fact that if a rule input is not mapped to an ACP variable in the user input task, the value entered on-form will be lost after the field is unfocused - this of course won't happen when viewing the form in interface designer. By starting over, I expect you have inadvertently fixed this issue. But it would help for you to understand what exactly is going on as that's the only real way to prevent future issues.

    If you want to reproduce what i'm talking about, to understand better -- temporarily add a new text RI and accompanying text field on your SAIL form, but don't update the user input task node in the process model. Then when you run that task again, you'll see the new field but you will find any value entered will disappear -- I believe the same way as what you were experiencing before.
  • Aaahhh now I get it. That must be it indeed. Thanks!
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