Having trouble writing data to data store entity

Hi all,


I am a beginner in Appian and I have come across a problem that I've debugged for an hour but can't find the solution to. I'm attempting to write data to a data store entity and I continue to get the following error:

Problem:  An error occurred in executing an Activity Class.

Details:  An error occurred while trying to write to the entity "vehicle_parts" [id=7241da9e-15f3-402f-ae6d-b0f08195974e@87648, type=VFM_Part (id=3724)] (data store: VFM DS CK). Details: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The record to be saved must not be null: TypedValue[it=3724,v=<null>] Data: TypedValue[it=3724,v=<null>]

Recommended Action:  Examine the activity class to correct the error and then resume.

Priority of this problem: High Priority


Does anyone have any idea how to solve this? If it helps, I'm also having trouble finding the created table after I save and publish my data store with no issues.

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Parents Reply
  • You can also alternatively download the DDL script to find the table name from the above screen which you have attached

    It would also be helpful if you can please ensure that the process variable which is being referred in the "Write to Data Store" node is being properly populated

    Also please ensure that the primary key is either provided by you before writing to the database or is auto increment
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