Changing Email Sender

Hi. I can only send and receive the email if it's from "Process Model." I switch to process initiator and custom sender, but I still cannot send or receive email. My screen looks like this. Can anyone help me to change the email sender? Thanks

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to benjamins0003

    For the future reference of others, would you mind sharing what your issue was and/or what the solution ended up being?

  • Okay. I didn't want the sender to be the process model, so I changed "From" to "Process Designer." I still can't get it sent to my work email, but I'm able to get it send to my personal email account, and that's enough. 

  • There is one other thing that I'm having trouble with, if you would be willing to help. After working on the expression rule, I was able to get the information on my form saved and sent in email (as opposed to just a blank form being sent). One issue, however, is that the document I upload is not being saved. My expression rule is below. Do you know what I can do so that the document is uploaded and sent correctly? Thanks. 

    <br> The following is a message sent to all applicants. Please review. <br>
    <br><b>Subject: </b><br> " & ri!customer.subject & "<br>
    <br><b>Paragraph: </b><br> " & ri!customer.paragraph & "<br>
    <br><b>Date: </b><br> " & ri!customer.dateAdded & "<br>
    <br><b>Account Manager </b><br> " & ri!customer.accountManager & "<br>
    <br><b>Status </b><br> " & ri!customer.status & "<br>
    <br><b>LMI </b><br> " & ri!customer.lmi & "<br>
    <br><b>Structure Type </b><br> " & ri!customer.structureType & "<br>
    <br><b>File Upload </b><br> " & ri!customer.upload & "<br>


  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to benjamins0003

    Referencing a document variable in the email body like that won't work.  At most it would probably print out the literal Appian Doc ID in the email.  You need to use the "attachments" field in the smart service configuration.  If you *must* mention it in the email body, you could print out the document name (and even other metadata if you want), but the document itself can only go in Attachments.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to benjamins0003
    I still can't get it sent to my work email

    What is the configuration you're trying for this, and what happens when you try?  Without these details and whatever else you are able to provide, it's impossible for us to try to troubleshoot between whether this is an error in your configuration, a product limitation, a potential system issue, or whatever else.

  • Hi, Mike. I have a question regarding your first message. My form is below. When I upload the file and submit the form, in the email I get something like "File Upload: [Document:]." So you're saying the only way to get a form sent by email is to add that form as an attachment in the smart service configuration, rather than int he form itself? Thank you.

  • As for the second question, nothing happens. For example, if I set up the smart service configuration so that it sends the form to my work and personal email concurrently, only my personal email receives it. It may be an issue with my work email, I'm not really sure. 

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to benjamins0003
    So you're saying the only way to get a form sent by email is to add that form as an attachment in the smart service configuration, rather than int he form itself?

    no... well, let's take a step back, because I think the matter's gotten slightly confused.

    On the form in your screenshot I can see you have a File Upload Field.  This is correct.  That file upload field should save into a rule input, which in turn should map to an ACP in the user input task, and then from there it should save into a PV upon task submission. 

    After you have a document successfully uploaded with its value saved into the PV, you would then reference that PV from the "Attachments" field in the email node configuration (you would need to configure the field through its expression editor rather than through the document picker which I believe you have already used to configure the one attachment you've already configured). 

    Once you've set this up correctly, your email should contain the user-uploaded document as an attachment.