How do I extract all user and the user group each user belong to?

If you don't mind, does any one know a quickest way to extract in excel of all the users that are setup in Appian and the groups that each user belong to? 

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  • We do this with a few plugins, People Functions and Excel Tools.  People Functions contains a getallusers() function, you can run this with a -1 batch size to return all users, NOTE this is a performance issue in larger environments.  From there, you can apply your list of users over the getgroupsformemberuser() function to obtain their groups.  I would recommend adding this information to a CDT and writing it to a database table - the newer version of Excel Tools no longer contains a direct Export CDT to Excel service, so we would persist to the DB and use the Export SQL to Excel to return the information in Excel format.  Once in the DB, it will be straightforward to create an admin report for exposing this information on screen as well.