Who is assigned to a task

Certified Senior Developer

Is there a way to query up who is assigned to a particular task? I've got a process report, but I'd like to somehow pull the assignee for a particular task out of that for use elsewhere. What is the best way to do that? 

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    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Marco

    I'm having a hard time with a!queryprocessanalytics, figuring out the parameters in particular. Other than the report, there are 5 optional parameters that presumably narrow down your search:  contextGroups,  contextProcessIds,  contextProcessModels  contextUsers and query. If I use contextProcessModels, I get back a list of processes that use that process model, which is fine. However, if I use any other context, I get the following error message: 

    errorMessage"Empty context passed in for report FMV Tiering Task List [id=6096]. (APNX-1-4156-000)"

    I've checked the report to make sure whatever I passed in those other contexts was something actually on the report. Also if I use contextProcessModels in addition to any of the other contexts, I get this error: 

    errorMessage"Only one context parameter should be provided, but the following context parameters were not null: contextProcessModels, contextGroups. (APNX-1-4275-006)"

    So obviously I can only use one of the 4 contexts, but I'm doing something wrong with them. Any idea what? 
