I am having date and time of submitted form in Date time format.I want to compare the date and time if it exceeds 1 hr from submission I want to show a proceed button.
How I can give a condition where it is comparing submitted form have completed 1hr
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a!localVariables( /* Date from DB */ local!dateTime: todatetime("20/11/2023 09:45"), /* Extract time */ local!time: totime(local!dateTime), /* Get hour by having difference */ local!differnce: tointeger( index( split(totime(now() - local!time), ":"), 1, null() ) ), /* Get the required value based on calculation */ if(local!differnce >= 1, true, false) )
Hi harshc5309 , you can create a rule which calculates the difference and based on that you can either show or hide buttons.