
 hello , j'ai besoin d'aide s'il vous plait .Je voudrais traiter cette partie : lorsque l'utilisateur dépose des documents, au moment de la visualisation, les documents PDF doivent être compilés dans un seul visualiseur de PDF. J'ai utilisé la fusion de PDF dans le modèle de processus avec ce code dans l'interface qui s'appel :               projet_docsInterface( fv!item)

contents: a!documentViewerField(
label: ri!record['recordType!**.{c36418cc-1402-4f64-801f-7a433c3ed250}type'],
labelPosition: "ABOVE",
document: ri!record['****0902-47a3-8490-7833fee28c37}docid'],
height: "TALL"


et j'ai fait l'appel de cette interface ici : 


contents: {

items: local!docs,
expression: {
rule!Projet_docsInterface( fv!item)

height: "AUTO",
style: "#cccccc",
shape: "ROUNDED",
padding: "STANDARD",
marginAbove: "LESS",
marginBelow: "STANDARD",
decorativeBarPosition: "END",
decorativeBarColor: "#000000"

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  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer

    in my first comment i asked the poster to translate his question.
    Is that not working at all?  can you explain your issue more? assumed that the issue is that the document is not displayed:

      what parameters does rule  rule!Projet_docsInterface() have? my first idea is, that this rule has more than one parameter eventually so that fv!item is filling another parameter than "record"

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer

    in my first comment i asked the poster to translate his question.
    Is that not working at all?  can you explain your issue more? assumed that the issue is that the document is not displayed:

      what parameters does rule  rule!Projet_docsInterface() have? my first idea is, that this rule has more than one parameter eventually so that fv!item is filling another parameter than "record"
