#UserIcon Is there an easy way to update a user profile picture in process? I am

#UserIcon Is there an easy way to update a user profile picture in process? I am looking to mimic the forum functionality of providing a User with a task for updating their profile picture once they are onboarded to they system.



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  • Hey Dan,

    Take a look at the Default Community -> System Knowledge Center. You can design a process to update the profile picture in the User Pictures folder. The document name must have the same name as the user name. You will also want to update the thumbnail in the User Pictures/User Thumbnails as well.
  • Mark,

    Thanks for the input. I noticed the pictures there and thought this could be a potential approach. Is this how it is performed in the cloud and on forum? If so, I think it would be nice to share this process with the community at large as it is likely a common use case.

  • Dan-- There is some risk to updating the profile pictures directly. This might be why a common component for updating the profile picture is unavailable on forum. You’ll want to verify the file type, check the file size and generate the thumbnails in your process. I’m uncertain of the approach taken on the cloud but this is the technique I used and it worked well on another project.
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    Mark, can you tell me what the process you used to generate the thumbnails was? I noticed that the old "change your profile picture" app which is included as an example on certain cloud sites, after updating the user's main picture, uses a deprecated node called "refresh user thumbnails"; without this, the picture change will be successful but the old thumbnails continue showing up until someone goes into the user's profile editor and clicks "delete" on their old one, interestingly. I've been looking for a workaround to this for a while now.
  • I have actually been putting together a Smart Service that provides functionality for updating a User's profile picture. I will be submitting it to forum today so it should be available in the near future.