Hi, I am trying cmis connector functions with alfresco and struck in the middle

Hi, I am trying cmis connector functions with alfresco and struck in the middle and here is some description of the steps I followed and the errors I got:

Procedure I followed:
1. I have chosen a alfresco trail account and setup the username and password which lasts until 14 days (and the same account is registered with Alfresco cloud as well).Upon completion of the setup, I have the following attributes in my hand:
a. username (username provided by Alfresco during a trail installation)
b. password (password provided by Alfresco during a trail installation)
Further I configured the same username and password in the 'Third Party credentials' in Appian with 'Allow users to set personal credentials..' unchecked.

2. atomPubUrl: I have figured it out by exploring the Alfresco forums and found that Atom pub url will look as follows:
The way how I identified the ho...




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  • ...st name is as follows:
    Externally resolvable host name: <xxxx>.<xxxx>.alfresco.com (This attribute has been identified under 'System Settings' from the 'Alfresco Admin Console'. Attached a file named 'Host name' which is related to this setting)

    3. Repository id: I have figured it out by exploring the Alfresco forums and also found that this attribute can be seen in the 'Repository Information' section in the 'Alfresco Admin Console.' Here there are two kinds of repositories namely Current and Originally. I have opted for Current. (Attached a screenshot related to this.)

    Issues I am facing:
    * When I was trying to use cmis connector functions, I was shown an error which says that 'Failed to connect to external system[key = xxxx]. The site wide credentials may be incorrect. Please ask an administrator to update the credentials in the Third Party Credentials page in the Administration Console.' This might be because of an incorrect values in the Third Party Credentia...
  • ...ls.
    * Further I have also used the CMIS Workbench and tested the Alfresco credentials with atom pub url, credentials as mentioned in Step - 1 and Step - 2. Here I am seeing the 'Unknown Host Exception.' (Attached a file named 'CMIS Work bench' which is related to this setting). I assume that usage of Workbench for testing the cmis attribute is okay, please correct me if I am wrong.

    At a high level I understand the issues being caused and I guess I am using the wrong setting or probably have been trying in a wrong manner. Could some one give a hint so that I can get leads over the issue?(NOTE: I have gone through the posts on Alfresco in the forum already.)

    Please do let me know if I can provide any other information in order to provide suggestions or to resolve the issue.
  • Can you try deploying CMIS Browser (free SAIL based CMIS connector available in Forum) and follow the configuration to ensure its pointing to your CMIS credentials ? Perhaps it could help you move forward.
  • @Sathya Thanks for the response Sathya, yes I have already seen the component and videos associated with it, and I will try it as per your suggestion.

    But prior to that, if possible I would like to know if there were any mistakes in the approach taken by me (such as trying alfresco trail version, obtaining the atom pub url, repo id, third party credentials etc) and further I would like to achieve the functionality with the OOTB support.