Business Rules in parallel Approval Flow


      I have to involve Business Rules given by admin by controlling the internal team or percentage through Admin page.


     We have 3 internal teams, who will approve the request sent, now, ADMIN can set the internal teams, it might be 2 or 1 or 3.

I am using Internal team Group which Contain 3 subgroups (Eg: PricingTeam, transportTeam,CashTeam) - Depends on Admin selection it should move forward.

If Admin gave for x case it should go to only pricing and cash team, next time  he change for the x case to only pricing.


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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    I think we need to get a bit of structure into this.

    You have a stream of incoming requests which have to be approved by one of many different groups. A "admin" should be able to steer this assignment.

    Is that correct?

    Now, this assignment logic, how does this look like? Based on some criteria, date, category, round-robin, random, load-balanced?

    Does that admin configure a logic which is evaluated for each case, or does that admin decide each case manually?

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    I think we need to get a bit of structure into this.

    You have a stream of incoming requests which have to be approved by one of many different groups. A "admin" should be able to steer this assignment.

    Is that correct?

    Now, this assignment logic, how does this look like? Based on some criteria, date, category, round-robin, random, load-balanced?

    Does that admin configure a logic which is evaluated for each case, or does that admin decide each case manually?
