Export SQL to Flat File (Text Format) - Column Value with Space is coming within Double Quotes

Hi All,

I am using Export SQL to Flat File Smart Service where for of the column we have large text value (A paragraph value with spaces) which is enclosed in "" automatically by the Smart service.

Other text values without spaces (E.g. Prakhar_Garg_09_10_2017) is coming perfect without any "" (Quotes).

Please let me know what I am missing here.



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Parents Reply
  • Hi Vinay,

    CODE function in Appian will convert each character of the text provided into its Unicode, so this will not help as if I provide my complete statement it will return list of number integers (As per function definition).

    "Hello Everyone a New project has been started by user with following comments XYZ"
    ) - This will return list of 81 number integer (where 81 is number of characters in text)