Error in Export SQL to Excel

Hi All,

I'm trying to export sql data to excel, I'm facing a issue.

Error : 

There is a problem with task “Export SQL to Excel” in the process “PKEDC_CaseManagement”. The following error was raised by the Export to Excel function: null
Problem:  An error occurred in executing an Activity Class.  
Recommended Action:  Examine the activity class to correct the error and then resume.  


can some one help with what data i'm missing



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  • It would be very helpful to see the actual code that you are trying to use in the node. I find that this component is very sensitive to formatting. Some tips:

    1. Make sure you are surrounding the SQL statement in quotes.
    "SELECT * FROM `tablename`"

    2. If you are passing process variables (pv!) as data to construct the query, make sure you break the quotes before inserting the pv! and resume afterwards.
    "SELECT * FROM `tablename` WHERE `column_A` =" '&pv!someVariable&' "AND `column_B`= ' "&pv!otherVariable& " ' "

    3. Also be mindful of how the query would look like if this was pure SQL. For example pay close attention to single quotes around variable values and things like that.

    4. Ensure that your query is able to handle null values otherwise enforce via the process model that the node cannot be passed a null value.

  • It would be very helpful to see the actual code that you are trying to use in the node. I find that this component is very sensitive to formatting. Some tips:

    1. Make sure you are surrounding the SQL statement in quotes.
    "SELECT * FROM `tablename`"

    2. If you are passing process variables (pv!) as data to construct the query, make sure you break the quotes before inserting the pv! and resume afterwards.
    "SELECT * FROM `tablename` WHERE `column_A` =" '&pv!someVariable&' "AND `column_B`= ' "&pv!otherVariable& " ' "

    3. Also be mindful of how the query would look like if this was pure SQL. For example pay close attention to single quotes around variable values and things like that.

    4. Ensure that your query is able to handle null values otherwise enforce via the process model that the node cannot be passed a null value.

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