
I'm having difficulty determining the correct format to filter data in the a!exportDataStoreEntityToExcel function. I'm trying to export from a DSE but only want data in a particular date range. Can you provide an example?

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    Can you give us an example of what filtering you've already tried, and what's happening wrong (i.e. breaking, or just not getting the expected results, etc)? 

    Also: are you already familiar with writing query entity rules using a!queryEntity and, more importantly, a!queryFilter and a!queryLogicalExpression?  If not, I suggest you start there since generally the same logic is used in these, but in a way that's far easier to test.

  • Mike,

    I've been using and writing query entity rules for a long time. The Additional Details section for the function in Documentation doesn't show anything about how to construct the query inside exportDataStoreEntityToExcel but infers that it is possible.

    Just a working example would be nice.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to michaelk0001

    The help text that pops up when you click inside the rule seems pretty sufficient - the "filters" parameter takes a list of a!queryFilter or a single a!queryLogicalExpression (which itself can nest indefinitely further).

    I was actually able to quickly write this example interface just now, and have even generated an example file and downloaded it to check:

      contents: {
          align: "START",
          buttons: {
              label: "Click",
              saveInto: {
                  entity: cons!PROJECT_DSE_CATEGORY_TYPES,
                  saveInFolder: cons!GLBL_DOC_UPLOAD_TEMP_DIRECTORY,
                  documentName: "Export DSE to Excel Example",
                  filters: a!queryLogicalExpression(
                    operator: "AND",
                    filters: {
                        field: "ActiveFlg",
                        operator: "=",
                        value: true()
                      /* add more filters here if/when needed */

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