Stored Procedure Plugin

Hi All,

I have a requirement to store CLOB data type in a Database table "TABLE1" where one column is of type CLOB. I did not see a direct solution for this . I decided to work with Execute Stored Procedure plugin for this

I have a stored procedure where is one  IN Parameter is of type "TYPE" of the same table where one CLOB column is present but when I am trying to run the SP from Appian it gives me 

"java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column type" exception in this IN Column. In Appian I have configure this INPUT Type parameter as the same CDT which is linked with the "TABLE1" . I have mapped this as multiple type


Does some one help me on this.



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  • Depending on what you're storing in the CLOB, you may actually be able to handle this using a standard XSD. It is possible to map to TEXT and BLOB types using an XSD, but you have to configure the field type manually. For example, I've created a table with an ID column and a BLOB field, but when I create the XSD, i see the following:

    I can create the CDT regardless, then download the XSD and manually add the BLOB field mapping:

    I then create a new version of the CDT from an XSD, and the CLOB field is mapped as shown below:

    This of course assumes that you need to map the field as a string - i.e. you're not storing a file within the field.

  • Hi Ruchi, Is there any specific requirement to create clob type field as multiple in cdt?.

    If it is single type than just download xsd and type columndefination as clob to map with table column

    <xsd:element name="columnName" nillable="true" type="xsd:string">
    <xsd:appinfo source="appian.jpa">@Column(name="column_name", columndefination="clob")</xsd:appinfo>

    If we create it as multiple type than it will create a new table for that particular field