Does text formatting such as char(10) work with MS Word 2007 Doc from Template? I have a text with several line breaks and it works fine in Appian but the output of the document has everything in one line.
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No. Word only cares about the XML code in the underlying XML file; you can actually insert char(10) characters in the text you insert into the document, and if you open document.xml in a text editor you will see them - but Word disregards these while rendering the document for display as they aren't XML.
char(10) does not work in Word, it will remove the new line.
If you want to keep it, you need to replace char(10) with "<w:br />" (similarly on html you would do with <br>)
Except if you just insert "<w:br/>" directly into the text, you won't see a linebreak in Word, you'll see "<w:br/>" (though the < or > characters might cause Word to throw an error when opening the document). The reason for this is that it would still be inside the <w:t> ... </w:t> tags, meaning Word tries to interpret it literally as text.
The solution I've found for this is to insert </w:t>, then <w:br/>, then a new <w:t>. I prefer to do this via a predefined expression rule instead of ad-hoc, to take the guesswork out of it.
Here's mine, i.e. GLBL_insertWordDocxLineBreak()...
a!localVariables( local!rows: if( rule!GLBL_isBlank(ri!num), 1, if(ri!num < 1, 0, ri!num) ), "</w:t>" & concat(repeat(local!rows, "<w:br/>" & char(10))) & "<w:t>" )
Note this rule allows adding multiple linebreaks if/when necessary via passing in a value for ri!num.
Further, all text that could ever contain the characters "<", ">", or "&", needs to be sanitized before passing into the Word template. So basically anything that's ever user-editable, and/or from a not stirctly-controlled source of text.
Here's my rule GLBL_sanitizeTextForWordDocx(), note that this rule calls the linebreak rule from my above comment, so it takes care of invalid characters and linebreaks (converted from char(10)s) at the same time.
reduce( fn!substitute, trim(ri!text), merge( { "&", ">", "<", char(10), char(13) }, { tohtml("&"), tohtml(">"), tohtml("<"), rule!GLBL_insertWordDocxLineBreak(num: 1), "" } ) )
I have like that in some Word from Template and no issues
That problem i had when i wanted a paragraph data in to a word.
I see that now, weird. I don't believe it worked when I initially tried it (a long time ago, but with the same smart service node), so maybe something changed in Word, or something else crazy.
Hello! I tried it but it’s giving me error. Can you give me another example with two strings ?
What error are you getting? And what exactly had you tried?
Try this:
{ "<w:p>" & "<w:r>" & "<w:t>" & "Line 1"& "</w:t>" &"<w:br/>" & "<w:t>" & "Line 2"& "</w:t>"& "</w:r>"& "</w:p>"
What confused me about this whole problem is we are injecting the tags into already existing tags. So you need to close the tag first. Including a code snippet that worked for me!
/* since we are injecting the tags, they have to be valid sandwiching between*/ /* two tags that already exist, so we close first until last one that won't need a close*/ a!localVariables( local!rows: split(ri!text, char(10)), concat( a!forEach( local!rows, fv!item & if(fv!isLast, "", "</w:t><w:br/><w:t>") ) ) )