Char(10) in MS Word 2007 Doc from Template

Does text formatting such as char(10) work with MS Word 2007 Doc from Template? I have a text with several line breaks and it works fine in Appian but the output of the document has everything in one line. 

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    Certified Associate Developer
    in reply to Mike Schmitt

    What confused me about this whole problem is we are injecting the tags into already existing tags.  So you need to close the tag first.  Including a code snippet that worked for me!

    /* since we are injecting the tags, they have to be valid sandwiching between*/
    /* two tags that already exist, so we close first until last one that won't need a close*/
      local!rows: split(ri!text, char(10)),
          fv!item & if(fv!isLast, "", "</w:t><w:br/><w:t>")

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