#Fitness could not find class com.appiancorp.ps.automatedtest.fixture

Certified Lead Developer

When attempting to run the example test case I get exceptions, the biggest one of them being in the script. I followed all the instructions correctly and I am not the only one in our group running into the same issue.

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  • Hi there,

    I've seen this problem happens when the suiteSetup was not properly configured, I'm not sure if this is your case however Im attaching below a sample code that you could try:

    !| script             |com.appiancorp.ps.automatedtest.fixture.SitesFixture          |
    |set appian url to    |https://ReplaceThisForYourAppianURL	 |
    |set appian version to|21.3                                                          |
    |set appian locale to |en_GB                                                         |

    I'm using to run in a site, perhaps you will need to change back to tempo if you are testing on tempo.

    I hope that helps.

    Acacio B.

  • Hi I am using Fitnesse 24.2/Appian and get this error -  com.appiancorp.ps.automatedtest.fixture.TempoFixture - Could not find class com.appiancorp.ps.automatedtest.fixture.                                                                                                                                                                                                        java env is set up as 

    Variable name JAVA_HOME 
    Variable value <APPIAN_HOME>\java 

    When attempting to run the example test case I get exceptions, the biggest one of them being in the script. I followed all the instructions correctly and I am not the only one in our group running into…
    By in Discussions > Plug-Ins
    3 replies



    any suggestion how to resolve that? Appreciates.

  • Hi I am using Fitnesse 24.2/Appian and get this error -  com.appiancorp.ps.automatedtest.fixture.TempoFixture - Could not find class com.appiancorp.ps.automatedtest.fixture.                                                                                                                                                                                                        java env is set up as 

    Variable name JAVA_HOME 
    Variable value <APPIAN_HOME>\java 

    When attempting to run the example test case I get exceptions, the biggest one of them being in the script. I followed all the instructions correctly and I am not the only one in our group running into…
    By in Discussions > Plug-Ins
    3 replies



    any suggestion how to resolve that? Appreciates.