Export CDT to Excel - I have this plug-in working, all except the input of "

Export CDT to Excel - I have this plug-in working, all except the input of "Cdt_fields_to_export". There really isn't any documentation on this node, so I took a stab in the dark with how to populate the inputs. I only need a handful of my fields from my CDT to export to excel, and that is why I need to complete the input of "Cdt_fields_to_export", however I'm not sure what this field is expecting. I've tried the following:

1. ={"actionType","securityName","securityId","newSecurityId","estimatedProcessingDate"} This is returning only 5 columns of data, which is what I needed, but the data is not my fields specified, instead it's the first 5 fields of my CDT.

2. ={pv!selectedUpcomingCorpActions.actionType,pv!selectedUpcomingCorpActions.securityName,pv!selectedUpcomingCorpActions.securityId,pv!selectedUpcomingCorpActions.newSecurityId,pv!selectedUpcomingCorpActions.estimatedProcessingDate} This causes my process to error and the application se...



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  • Hi Sathya .. I am using the "Export CDT to Excel" smart service. My CDT has nested cdts (upto 1 level). Will this plugin work for nested cdt type. I tried below two options.

    Input 1:
    CDT - <<myCdtStructure>> [id=, transactionId=, clientRequestInfo=[id=, transactionId=, borrowerName=Xennon, obligorNumber=78, obligationNumber=, crCrmNumber=78, moodysNumber=, decisionMatrixDate=, office=, costCenter=], clientLoanInfo=, totalCommitment=209, templateInfo=, templateCmntsInfo=, sasResponseInfo=[id=, transactionId=, overallRating=2.8, prior=, trend=, policyExceptionComments=], underwriterInfo=[id=, transactionId=, preparedBy=Kevork Oflazian, preparedDate=7/11/2014, reviewedBy=, reviewedDate=7/11/2014, exceptionType=, finalDisposition=, decisionBy=]]

    cdt_fields_to_export - {"clientRequestInfo.borrowerName","clientRequestInfo.obligorNumber","clientRequestInfo.crCrmNumber","clientLoanInfo.loanType","underwriterInfo.preparedBy","underwriterInfo.preparedDate","sasResponseInfo.overallRating","underwriterInfo.reviewedDate","totalCommitment"}

    Cell_keys - {"A1","B1","C1","D1","E1","F1","G1","H1","I1"}
    Cell_value - {"Borrower Name","Obligor Number","CR/CRM Number","Prepared By","Prepared Date","Overall Rating","Reviewed Date","Total Commitment"}

    document_name_to_create - Name of the Excel document to create
    Document_save_directory - Folder where the document should be saved into
    Document_to_overwrite -
    Excel_base_template - Empty excel file (.xlsx).
    Fail_on_error - true
    include_header_row - true
    sheet_number - 0
    Starting_cell -

    Result 1:
    The following error was raised by the Export to Excel function: java.lang.Throwable: The input fields does not match the fields in the CDT

    Input 2:
    CDT - <<myCdtStructure>> [id=, transactionId=, clientRequestInfo=[id=, transactionId=, borrowerName=Xennon, obligorNumber=78, obligationNumber=, crCrmNumber=78, moodysNumber=, decisionMatrixDate=, office=, costCenter=], clientLoanInfo=, totalCommitment=209, templateInfo=, templateCmntsInfo=, sasResponseInfo=[id=, transactionId=, overallRating=2.8, prior=, trend=, policyExceptionComments=], underwriterInfo=[id=, transactionId=, preparedBy=Kevork Oflazian, preparedDate=7/11/2014, reviewedBy=, reviewedDate=7/11/2014, exceptionType=, finalDisposition=, decisionBy=]]

    cdt_fields_to_export -

    Cell_keys - {"A1","B1","C1","D1","E1","F1","G1","H1","I1"}
    Cell_value - {"Borrower Name","Obligor Number","CR/CRM Number","Prepared By","Prepared Date","Overall Rating","Reviewed Date","Total Commitment"}

    document_name_to_create - Name of the Excel document to create
    Document_save_directory - Folder where the document should be saved into
    Document_to_overwrite -
    Excel_base_template - Empty excel file (.xlsx).
    Fail_on_error - true
    include_header_row - true
    sheet_number - 0
    Starting_cell -

    Result 1:
    My output excel had values for only "totalCommitment" column as that is not inside another cdt.

    If this plugin doesnt support nested cdt inputs please suggest me an workaround.
  • Hi Sathya .. I am using the "Export CDT to Excel" smart service. My CDT has nested cdts (upto 1 level). Will this plugin work for nested cdt type. I tried below two options.

    Input 1:
    CDT - <<myCdtStructure>> [id=, transactionId=, clientRequestInfo=[id=, transactionId=, borrowerName=Xennon, obligorNumber=78, obligationNumber=, crCrmNumber=78, moodysNumber=, decisionMatrixDate=, office=, costCenter=], clientLoanInfo=, totalCommitment=209, templateInfo=, templateCmntsInfo=, sasResponseInfo=[id=, transactionId=, overallRating=2.8, prior=, trend=, policyExceptionComments=], underwriterInfo=[id=, transactionId=, preparedBy=Kevork Oflazian, preparedDate=7/11/2014, reviewedBy=, reviewedDate=7/11/2014, exceptionType=, finalDisposition=, decisionBy=]]

    cdt_fields_to_export - {"clientRequestInfo.borrowerName","clientRequestInfo.obligorNumber","clientRequestInfo.crCrmNumber","clientLoanInfo.loanType","underwriterInfo.preparedBy","underwriterInfo.preparedDate","sasResponseInfo.overallRating","underwriterInfo.reviewedDate","totalCommitment"}

    Cell_keys - {"A1","B1","C1","D1","E1","F1","G1","H1","I1"}
    Cell_value - {"Borrower Name","Obligor Number","CR/CRM Number","Prepared By","Prepared Date","Overall Rating","Reviewed Date","Total Commitment"}

    document_name_to_create - Name of the Excel document to create
    Document_save_directory - Folder where the document should be saved into
    Document_to_overwrite -
    Excel_base_template - Empty excel file (.xlsx).
    Fail_on_error - true
    include_header_row - true
    sheet_number - 0
    Starting_cell -

    Result 1:
    The following error was raised by the Export to Excel function: java.lang.Throwable: The input fields does not match the fields in the CDT

    Input 2:
    CDT - <<myCdtStructure>> [id=, transactionId=, clientRequestInfo=[id=, transactionId=, borrowerName=Xennon, obligorNumber=78, obligationNumber=, crCrmNumber=78, moodysNumber=, decisionMatrixDate=, office=, costCenter=], clientLoanInfo=, totalCommitment=209, templateInfo=, templateCmntsInfo=, sasResponseInfo=[id=, transactionId=, overallRating=2.8, prior=, trend=, policyExceptionComments=], underwriterInfo=[id=, transactionId=, preparedBy=Kevork Oflazian, preparedDate=7/11/2014, reviewedBy=, reviewedDate=7/11/2014, exceptionType=, finalDisposition=, decisionBy=]]

    cdt_fields_to_export -

    Cell_keys - {"A1","B1","C1","D1","E1","F1","G1","H1","I1"}
    Cell_value - {"Borrower Name","Obligor Number","CR/CRM Number","Prepared By","Prepared Date","Overall Rating","Reviewed Date","Total Commitment"}

    document_name_to_create - Name of the Excel document to create
    Document_save_directory - Folder where the document should be saved into
    Document_to_overwrite -
    Excel_base_template - Empty excel file (.xlsx).
    Fail_on_error - true
    include_header_row - true
    sheet_number - 0
    Starting_cell -

    Result 1:
    My output excel had values for only "totalCommitment" column as that is not inside another cdt.

    If this plugin doesnt support nested cdt inputs please suggest me an workaround.
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