Export CDT to Excel - I have this plug-in working, all except the input of "

Export CDT to Excel - I have this plug-in working, all except the input of "Cdt_fields_to_export". There really isn't any documentation on this node, so I took a stab in the dark with how to populate the inputs. I only need a handful of my fields from my CDT to export to excel, and that is why I need to complete the input of "Cdt_fields_to_export", however I'm not sure what this field is expecting. I've tried the following:

1. ={"actionType","securityName","securityId","newSecurityId","estimatedProcessingDate"} This is returning only 5 columns of data, which is what I needed, but the data is not my fields specified, instead it's the first 5 fields of my CDT.

2. ={pv!selectedUpcomingCorpActions.actionType,pv!selectedUpcomingCorpActions.securityName,pv!selectedUpcomingCorpActions.securityId,pv!selectedUpcomingCorpActions.newSecurityId,pv!selectedUpcomingCorpActions.estimatedProcessingDate} This causes my process to error and the application se...



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  • This is an array of the CDT field names that you want to export. This is optional. If null, it will export all the fields from the CDT. FOr e.g. If you have an employee CDT made of empId, empName, department, costCentre and you want to export just the employee name and department, you pass ={"empName","department"} to this parameter. The names should exactly match the names in your CDT.
  • This is an array of the CDT field names that you want to export. This is optional. If null, it will export all the fields from the CDT. FOr e.g. If you have an employee CDT made of empId, empName, department, costCentre and you want to export just the employee name and department, you pass ={"empName","department"} to this parameter. The names should exactly match the names in your CDT.
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