Hello, I am using the PDF from XSL-FO Transformation with Fonts Smart Service from the Dynamic Document Generator (https://community.appian.com/b/appmarket/posts/dynamic-document-generator) plugin, version 1.9.1
I have no examples of using this Smart Service and the plugin documentation doesn't have specific examples.
I have tried to use the only complete code I can find in the community: https://community.appian.com/discussions/f/plug-ins/17891/pdf-from-xsl-fo-smart-service
This produces a PDF without errors, but when I try to open it I get a "Damaged file" from Acrobat Reader.
This is how I configured the Smart Service:
Xml Document: a constant to test.xml file, with the code from the example
Xsl Document: a constant to _xslStyleSheet.xsl file, with the code from the example
Xsl Parameters: null
Font Document: null
Font Italic Document: null
Font Bold Document: null
Font Bold Italic Document: null
Create New Document: True
New Document Name: "pdf from xml"
New Document Desc: null
Save In Folder: a constant to a folder in Knowledge Center
Existing Document: null
Pause On Error: True
As I said, the process runs without errors, but then when I try to open the generated PDF the result is: "The file is damaged and could not be repaired".
Does anyone have a basic example with settings so I can generate a functioning PDF and develop from there? Thank you
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Still hoping for someone to help! :)
Hi Chiara,
We are also facing the same issue. We are suspecting on plugin version only.
Thank you for the feedback , unfortunately it seem like even after one month nobody cares to respond, especially in the plugin's page.