Tell me how to use the plugin “Import CSV to Database”.I downloaded the plugin but don't know what to do next.
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I want to create a process model that uploads CSV by drag and drop on the site and writes the CSV to the DB.
Is this a generic question about how Appian works, or a specific one about this plugin? When you download the plugin package from the appmarket, the ZIP file should include some documentation.
It's both.I deployed the plugin from the admin console, not the app market.Where can I view the zip file in the app market? Or is there a way to check the documentation of the plugin from the admin console?
To download the plugin package, you need to login to community and find it in the app market.
To understand how Appian works, I recommend the documentation, tutorials and online trainings. My book might also help you (
What do you mean with "but nothing happened"? What would you expect? That ZIP file includes the documentation as "Readme.pdf".
I can't find "Readme.pdf".
Can users of Appian Community Edition use plug-ins?
Hm ... I downloaded the ZIP file and extracted it, and voila, there is the readme file. I attached it for your convenience.