I have deployed process management utilities in that, I used to configure pause process in the process model to pause the process instance, but i'm fail to achieve expected output can any one help me like how to configure pause process.
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My actual task is to pause the process instance with the help of related action, and also the same user resume that process instance with different related action, I came across the smart services called as pause process, resume process and i have tried configuring the pause process but it didn't pause the process instance.
i am still not clear why you have to pause an instance but are you passing the right process instance id while configuring pause process smart service. I just tried in my environment and it worked well.
can we pause the currently running process instance?
yes we can , As you are using Pause process smart service, then you would need to pass process instance ids as input in this node and you would need to set "Dry Run" as false.