We just had the latest version of the appiancorp.analytics.excel_exportv2 versio

Certified Senior Developer
We just had the latest version of the appiancorp.analytics.excel_exportv2 version 3.0.11 plugin deployed to our DEV environment and in most cases - we had no problems (when used to export data to an Excel file), but I'm getting the following message in every process model that uses the 'Export SQL to Flat File' - "The Process Model is invalid." It appears as if I have to manually update each process model that uses this component of the plugin. I would prefer to have the most current version of this plugin but perhaps we should revert back to the previous version. Anyone else run into this issue?



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  • The Export SQL to Flat File smart service has not been updated recently, so that is strange. What did you have to update in the invalid process models?
  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    Is that not part of the new Export SQL and Report Data to EXCEL - V2 plugin? When the cloud team deployed this to our DEV site, I had to update each process model that used the 'Export SQL to Flat File' component. I replaced it with something that looked just like the old one and then it worked but every process model that used that particular feature had to be updated manually.
  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    I have another question about this plugin - we are using it to populate data to an Excel report (template) with multiple worksheets. The process model seems to work great when we're populating up to 5 worksheets but it 'breaks' at 6. Is there a limit to the number of worksheets you can have?
  • Sorry I was unclear, I meant that within the plugin, there have been no recent changes to that smart service (only to other smart services within the plugin). After some research it seems that at some point the class for the Export SQL to Flat File was renamed, which is what caused you to have to update the process models.

    Regarding the limit on the multiple worksheets, I am not aware of any particular limitation. What specifically are you seeing when it 'breaks'? Are there any errors in the UI or logs?
  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    Thank you for getting back to me on this. As for the multiple worksheet issue we were having, it turned out to be a problem with the template. The Template only had 5 worksheets formatted for this particular report so when a 6th one was needed - the process couldn't find it (I was getting an 'out of range' error). I added several additional worksheets and now it's working just fine. Thanks again!