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I also came across same problem for change in interface for existing process model. Your answer helped me to troubleshoot one by one all interface rules which was calling inside one main interface. Finally figured out there was two 'value:' text written inside of a!richTextDisplayField. (which was not caught in interface level) . Finally I understood if process model throws error in user input node with "Neither variable(s) nor rule(s) found: value" means problem with interface which was not caught in Appian Designer side.
Hello all,
I too encountered same issue while tring to publish my PM but Appian did not allowed me to do so and keeping throwing below error :There was an error in an expression in null at : Neither variable(s) nor rule(s) found: required
Your above answers helped me locating the error which was in the Interface called by this PM and this interface had two values for required parameter, this error was not caught in interface level.I also observed that for me PM did not throw error at the userinput node instead it was taking me to the process model's property-> General.
Had the same problem today designer didn't catch the duplicate.
Hello dillon, have you looked at the code of the interfaces refreferenced by the PM? I found my problem there, was a called parameter duplicate. Regards.