I need some expression wizards out there to help a non-wizard (business analyst)

I need some expression wizards out there to help a non-wizard (business analyst) construct an expression.

I have a report that needs to be filtered to only certain process instances, based on the status text field of the instances. Basically I am constructing a report that shows all "Open Projects and those Completed within the last 30 days." I have no problem constructing a report containing all open projects, and a separate one containing those completed in 30 days. It's the combo that's difficult for me.

I want to say:
IF pv!status_text="Approved"or "Initial Assessment"or "In Process" or "In Queue"or "In Post Processing"or "In Conservation" (These are all of the "open" statuses)
If there is a Completed Date (denoting that pv!status_text="Complete") and the date is within the last 30 days, include it in the report. So maybe something like:
lastndays(pv!projectCompletedDate_date,30)? Can this function be used here?...



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