I need some expression wizards out there to help a non-wizard (business analyst)

I need some expression wizards out there to help a non-wizard (business analyst) construct an expression.

I have a report that needs to be filtered to only certain process instances, based on the status text field of the instances. Basically I am constructing a report that shows all "Open Projects and those Completed within the last 30 days." I have no problem constructing a report containing all open projects, and a separate one containing those completed in 30 days. It's the combo that's difficult for me.

I want to say:
IF pv!status_text="Approved"or "Initial Assessment"or "In Process" or "In Queue"or "In Post Processing"or "In Conservation" (These are all of the "open" statuses)
If there is a Completed Date (denoting that pv!status_text="Complete") and the date is within the last 30 days, include it in the report. So maybe something like:
lastndays(pv!projectCompletedDate_date,30)? Can this function be used here?...



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  • I am not sure if you have resolved this one, but I would use something like:
    if(contains({"Approved","Initial Assessment","In Process","In Queue","In Post Processing","In Conservation"},pv!status_text)=true(),true(),false()))
    In a hidden column and then put a filter on the report over this column only showing cases were it is true. It might not be exactly what you are after but should put you on the right road.
  • I am not sure if you have resolved this one, but I would use something like:
    if(contains({"Approved","Initial Assessment","In Process","In Queue","In Post Processing","In Conservation"},pv!status_text)=true(),true(),false()))
    In a hidden column and then put a filter on the report over this column only showing cases were it is true. It might not be exactly what you are after but should put you on the right road.
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