users cannot see records, even with permissions enabled

Is it a bug or is there some other reason why my users cannot see records in Tempo or other places when I explicitly gave them permissions in the security configurations?

Is anyone else having this problem. 

I don't want to run around with expressions if the option exist to give them at least viewer permission in the security configuration. 

I have given permission on the record type, data store, site, interface ...

They still cannot view the record type, even though the tab is visible in Tempo

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Parents Reply
  • Hi Dan, I cannot see the record in Tempo or from the site directly

    Here is a new error based on leaving the image code unaltered in the 'edit list' dialog:

    Error Evaluating UI Expression Expression evaluation error [evaluation ID = ] in rule 'we3_vehicle_summary' at function a!imageField [line 15]: User Does Not Have Rights to Perform this Operation (APNX-1-4198-000)

    can you explain the problem with the a!imageField?

