Hi ,
I am getting below error the attached code when there I don't pass value for ri!gLLs. Can someone please help in resolving this.
"Expression evaluation error at function 'remove' [line 67]: Invalid index (0) for list: valid range is empty"
a!localVariables( /* Appending logged in user with GLLS from LUContacts if logged in user is GLL */ local!isLoggedInUserGLL: rule!APN_distinct( if( rule!APN_isEmpty(ri!gLLs), {}, if( and( not( contains( touniformstring( index( a!groupMembers( group: cons!RGRACSLBL_GROUP_AGLL, direct: true(), memberType: "USER" ), "data", {} ) ), touniformstring(ri!loggedInUser) ) ), or( contains( touniformstring( index( a!groupMembers( group: cons!RGRACSLBL_GROUP_EU_LL_USERS, direct: true(), memberType: "USER" ), "data", {} ) ), touniformstring(ri!loggedInUser) ), contains( touniformstring( index( a!groupMembers( group: cons!RGRACSLBL_GROUP_WPL, direct: true(), memberType: "USER" ), "data", {} ) ), touniformstring(ri!loggedInUser) ) ) ), append(ri!gLLs, ri!loggedInUser), ri!gLLs ) ) ), /* Formatting GLLs text */ local!glls: if( length(local!isLoggedInUserGLL) = 1, rule!APN_displayUser(local!isLoggedInUserGLL), joinarray( a!forEach( items: remove( rule!APN_distinct(local!isLoggedInUserGLL), length( rule!APN_distinct(local!isLoggedInUserGLL) ) ), expression: split(rule!APN_displayUser(fv!item), ";") ), ", " ) & " and " & rule!APN_displayUser( difference( rule!APN_distinct(local!isLoggedInUserGLL), remove( rule!APN_distinct(local!isLoggedInUserGLL), length( rule!APN_distinct(local!isLoggedInUserGLL) ) ) ) ) ), if( contains( /* CCN */ { cons!RGRACSLBL_NOTIFICATION_TYPES[1], cons!RGRACSLBL_NOTIFICATION_TYPES[16] }, ri!notificationType ), joinarray( insert( split( "Please contact[GLL]directly for any questions regarding this CCN.", "[GLL]" ), local!glls, 2 ), " " ), if( contains( /* Pre-sMA, Revised Pre-sMA */ { cons!RGRACSLBL_NOTIFICATION_TYPES[7], cons!RGRACSLBL_NOTIFICATION_TYPES[25] }, ri!notificationType ), substitute( cons!RGRACSLBL_PRE_SMA_AGLL_RICH_TEXT_CONSTANTS[7], "[GLL]", local!gLLs ) & " " & cons!RGRACSLBL_PRE_SMA_AGLL_RICH_TEXT_CONSTANTS[8], if( contains( /* Core SLU */ { cons!RGRACSLBL_NOTIFICATION_TYPES[18], cons!RGRACSLBL_NOTIFICATION_TYPES[6] }, ri!notificationType ), "Please contact " & local!glls & " directly for any questions regarding this update.", if( ri!notificationType = cons!RGRACSLBL_HQ_INITIATED_NON_SAFETY_LABEL_UPDATE_NOTIFICATION_TYPE, /* Non-Safety */ joinarray( insert( split( cons!RGRACSLBL_TEXT_HQ_NONSAFETY_FREETEXT, "[GLL]" ), local!glls, 2 ), " " ), if( contains( /* Advisory */ { cons!RGRACSLBL_NOTIFICATION_TYPES[9], cons!RGRACSLBL_NOTIFICATION_TYPES[17] }, ri!notificationType ), joinarray( insert( split( "Please contact[GLL]directly for any questions regarding this Advisory.", "[GLL]" ), local!glls, 2 ), " " ), {} ) ) ) ) ) )
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If there is only one value in your local storage, and you use the remove function, it will remove the last value. Therefore, please ensure that there are more than one values in your local storage before using the remove function.
Actually I suspect the error in the original post may have resulted in an array of size 0. The original code already checks for an array of size 1, but if the list had 0 people in it, it would try to "remove" an entry from an empty list.