Hi ,
I am getting below error the attached code when there I don't pass value for ri!gLLs. Can someone please help in resolving this.
"Expression evaluation error at function 'remove' [line 67]: Invalid index (0) for list: valid range is empty"
a!localVariables( /* Appending logged in user with GLLS from LUContacts if logged in user is GLL */ local!isLoggedInUserGLL: rule!APN_distinct( if( rule!APN_isEmpty(ri!gLLs), {}, if( and( not( contains( touniformstring( index( a!groupMembers( group: cons!RGRACSLBL_GROUP_AGLL, direct: true(), memberType: "USER" ), "data", {} ) ), touniformstring(ri!loggedInUser) ) ), or( contains( touniformstring( index( a!groupMembers( group: cons!RGRACSLBL_GROUP_EU_LL_USERS, direct: true(), memberType: "USER" ), "data", {} ) ), touniformstring(ri!loggedInUser) ), contains( touniformstring( index( a!groupMembers( group: cons!RGRACSLBL_GROUP_WPL, direct: true(), memberType: "USER" ), "data", {} ) ), touniformstring(ri!loggedInUser) ) ) ), append(ri!gLLs, ri!loggedInUser), ri!gLLs ) ) ), /* Formatting GLLs text */ local!glls: if( length(local!isLoggedInUserGLL) = 1, rule!APN_displayUser(local!isLoggedInUserGLL), joinarray( a!forEach( items: remove( rule!APN_distinct(local!isLoggedInUserGLL), length( rule!APN_distinct(local!isLoggedInUserGLL) ) ), expression: split(rule!APN_displayUser(fv!item), ";") ), ", " ) & " and " & rule!APN_displayUser( difference( rule!APN_distinct(local!isLoggedInUserGLL), remove( rule!APN_distinct(local!isLoggedInUserGLL), length( rule!APN_distinct(local!isLoggedInUserGLL) ) ) ) ) ), if( contains( /* CCN */ { cons!RGRACSLBL_NOTIFICATION_TYPES[1], cons!RGRACSLBL_NOTIFICATION_TYPES[16] }, ri!notificationType ), joinarray( insert( split( "Please contact[GLL]directly for any questions regarding this CCN.", "[GLL]" ), local!glls, 2 ), " " ), if( contains( /* Pre-sMA, Revised Pre-sMA */ { cons!RGRACSLBL_NOTIFICATION_TYPES[7], cons!RGRACSLBL_NOTIFICATION_TYPES[25] }, ri!notificationType ), substitute( cons!RGRACSLBL_PRE_SMA_AGLL_RICH_TEXT_CONSTANTS[7], "[GLL]", local!gLLs ) & " " & cons!RGRACSLBL_PRE_SMA_AGLL_RICH_TEXT_CONSTANTS[8], if( contains( /* Core SLU */ { cons!RGRACSLBL_NOTIFICATION_TYPES[18], cons!RGRACSLBL_NOTIFICATION_TYPES[6] }, ri!notificationType ), "Please contact " & local!glls & " directly for any questions regarding this update.", if( ri!notificationType = cons!RGRACSLBL_HQ_INITIATED_NON_SAFETY_LABEL_UPDATE_NOTIFICATION_TYPE, /* Non-Safety */ joinarray( insert( split( cons!RGRACSLBL_TEXT_HQ_NONSAFETY_FREETEXT, "[GLL]" ), local!glls, 2 ), " " ), if( contains( /* Advisory */ { cons!RGRACSLBL_NOTIFICATION_TYPES[9], cons!RGRACSLBL_NOTIFICATION_TYPES[17] }, ri!notificationType ), joinarray( insert( split( "Please contact[GLL]directly for any questions regarding this Advisory.", "[GLL]" ), local!glls, 2 ), " " ), {} ) ) ) ) ) )
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Instead of this impossible mesh of spaghetti including questionable uses of remove(), split(), etc, which I suspect is only being used to format the list like "Name 1, Name 2 and Name 3", I suggest you actually utilize the functionality found in a!forEach to do that work for you. The usage pattern I suggest is as follows. Note that you'd merely need to add back in your "displayUser" function here around "fv!item".
a!localVariables( local!loggedInUsers: {"user1", "user2", "user3"}, concat( a!forEach( local!loggedInUsers, if( fv!isFirst, "", if( fv!isLast, " and ", ", " ) ) & fv!item ) ) )
Note that this will work both for multi-member lists as well as one-member lists, inherently, without needing to resort to such messy tactics as found in the original code.
Additionally I'd suggest that if a list of distinct users is necessary to use here, then instead of calling APN_distinct() over and over again, simply create the list of distinct users in a local variable once and use that.
a!localVariables( local!loggedInUsers: {"user1", "user2", "user1", "user3"}, /* use Distinct function ONCE */ local!distinctUsers: rule!APN_distinct(local!loggedInUsers), concat( a!forEach( local!distinctUsers, if( fv!isFirst, "", if( fv!isLast, " and ", ", " ) ) & fv!item ) ) )
Hi Mike,
Thanks you for the detailed explanation. Actually I tried to analyze the code which was written by someone. Since I couldn't figure out what is happening here, posted it in the community.
Yes, I suspected it may have been inherited code - I've inherited similarly impossible-looking code plenty of times before. Please try the approach I outlined above and let me know if it seems to work for you.
It helps the community to explain your situation more clearly.