Hello Everyone ,
so i was having query regarding Doc Extraction skill's , anyone is having idea that how we can achieve Checkbox field extraction without having Reconcile DOC task ? because of this issue i have to look for AWS services for the same , it would be so useful if checkbox and table field we can extract automatic from Appian itself without having reconcile task!
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Please post if you are successful with tables or checkboxes in the reconcile as while labeling appian does not allow
Example Gender Male , Female are checkboxes and marital status etc on STANDARD Govt forms also.
how to handle , even in reconcile i saw it does not see what is in checkbox and not caputures the X mark also even i kept the rectangle around the whole
x MaleI kept the rectangle including x , I hoped it will extract value as 'x Male' so i can do post processing , but gets only Male
I did 2 variables EMP_Gender_Male , EMP_Gender_Female and labelled/tagged the whole area of each field.
the X mark does not get extracted
So I did achieve the checkbox field extraction so while reconciling you have to map your data type with the checkbox like for example YES [tick mark ] and NO [ ] is blank so you have to just select yes box with the same data type from that model will run then It will automatically detect the checkbox after few reconciling task !