Hello, We have a query rule that returns an array of application like


We have a query rule that returns an array of application like
[ID=1, Application_No=2015/000957, Customer_Segment=SME, Entry_Date=7/27/2015 3:00 AM GMT+03:00, Category=New Loan, Priority=Low, Purpose=Dodo, Source_Business_Center_Code=N/A, Preferred_Branch_Code=0301, Is_Cancelled=, Cancellation_Reason=, Cancellation_Date=, Cancellation_Comments=, Status=1, Relationship_Manager=nmassios, Customer_List=[ID=4, CRS=, Name=Nikos, Industry_Code=, Registration_No=, Tax_Registration_No=, New_Customer=true, Main_Borrower=true, Type=Legal Entity, Relationship_Type=Borrower, Country=, County=, City=, Street=, Number=, Zip_Code=, Contact_Person_Name=, Contact_Person_Tel_No=, Contact_Person_Mobile_Phone_No=, Has_CRS=, ID_Type=, ID_Type_Number=]; [ID=5, CRS=, Name=Dodo, Industry_Code=, Registration_No=, Tax_Registration_No=, New_Customer=, Main_Borrower=, Type=Government, Relationship_Type=Co-Borrower, Country=, County=, City=, Street=, Numbe...



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  • ...r=, Zip_Code=, Contact_Person_Name=, Contact_Person_Tel_No=, Contact_Person_Mobile_Phone_No=, Has_CRS=, ID_Type=, ID_Type_Number=], Facility_List=[ID=1, Facility_Number=F2015/000957/1, Type=CreditDoc, Description=Dodo fac, Amount=23424, Currency=, Owner=me myself and i, Customer_name=Nikos, Collateral_List=], Collateral_List=]

    if we try to dereference scalar values from the array like
    application.Application_No everthing works

    if we try to deferference arrays of values like
    local!customerList: index(local!application,"Customer_List",{})

    the dereferencing does not work. Is there a way to do this properly?
  • @nikolasm Please refer the suggestions by philb at /search?q=OriginalPostID-108829 or by Eduardo at /search?q=OriginalPostID-103475. And there are many other posts in the forum which will help you unfolding the problem. The essence of the posts mentioned here is that you need to use index while accessing lists inside a list.