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I think that you might have an easier time converting the resulting data to a dictionary or map using the a!fromjson function. This will give you an object into which you can reference elements using either dot notation or the index function.For example: Let's say that your payload comes back from an Integration Smart Service call in a process, and you save it into a process variable called pv!result. Appian doesn't have a "Dictionary" type, but you can do something in the Data Outputs of a Script Task such as:
todatasubset( arrayToPage: a!fromjson(pv!result), pagingConfiguration: a!pagingInfo(startIndex:1, batchSize:-1) )
If you save the result of that expression into a new process variable of type "DataSubset" called say, pv!dataPayload, you will be able to programmatically reference all of the elements using either .dot notation:
Or you could use the index function to retrieve a specific element (which is safer with respect to nulls)
index( index( pv!dataPayload, "data", null ), "STATUS", null )
Hope that helps.
I have never been part of a figure competition, but I applaud anyone who does. I know it takes some serious dedication and hard work! You are amazing!