#i have web service call which returns text which contains json format data i ne

#i have web service call which returns text which contains json format data i need to convert into cdt for further processing into process model
/screen to show edit and also updated cdt into database with the webservice call.
#webservice returns text,contains data like=
"DESC": null,
"ERROR": null,
"STATUS": 1,
          "DATA":"[{\\"Test_no\\":\\"00\\",\\"Test_name\\":\\"name test information\\",\\"Test_status\\":1.0,\\"Test_created_date\\":\\"\\\\/Date(1440448162000-0500)\\\\/\\",\\"Test_update_id\\":null,\\"Test_update_date\\":\\"\\\\/Date(1440448162000-0500)\\\\/\\"}]"
i think need to create cdt dynamically for json data.what will be the syntax for that and how to convert that Data part of json into cdt?
if any one doing this work before please provides valueable suggestion and commnets



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