a!startProcessLink() Inconsistent Behaviour

I have related action which uses a start form. The record is exposed in sites (users work on site, not tempo)

When i click on the related action, i show an interface which has a  a!startProcessLink(). On click of this link, it triggers a process and shows an interface. Once i complete the task and click on "Close" button, i expect to be taken back to the start form from where i triggered the a!startProcessLink(). But the button does not seem to work and i am stuck in the same page. I see that when URL gets updated but the page is not refreshed. I manually need to go to the browser and refresh again to be taken back to the start form again. Should it not automatically take me to the start page (i.e the page from which i triggered it). 

I changed form from a start form to a user input interface task, then also facing the same issue.


Once i refresh the browser manually, it takes me to the start form again properly. if i trigger the start process from the start form immediately again it works fine. (Trigger startprocesslink, close the task, return to start page without needing a manual browser refresh).

Once i refresh the browser manually, it takes me to the start form again properly. if i close the start form and then trigger the process again by going to related action and creating a new start form. Again manual refresh is needed. 



Any inputs. Is this a known issue in 18.2?

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Parents Reply
  • Hi Vivek,

    I tried with the same process from two places -

    1. Record dashboard --> A!startprocesslink --> UI Task --> Close --> Takes me back to the record dashboard. (Expected Behaviour)
    2. Related Action --> Start Form --> A!startprocesslink --> UI Task --> Close --> Nothing happens. Need to refresh browser manually for the screen to go back to the start form.

    previously the process start links were calling different process models and there could have been issues with button configuration, chaining, terminate events. But now i checkd with the same process model from two places. Its not taking me back correctly in the 2nd scenario.

    I have raised an appian support ticket. i will keep this thread posted.
  • Just for completeness sake - does it behave the same way if you launch the start from from Tempo as an action, and click the startProcessLink there? Such that the only difference would be between tempo / sites.

    One suspicion I have about this, is that since a Start Form doesn't represent an actual running process instance, the UI is becoming confused at what it's "supposed" to return to after the a!startProcessLink process flow is completed.
  • Mike,

    Even i suspect its a start form issue and its does not recognize the instance it has to return to.

    I have not tried it from tempo --> action. But i tried the below sequence one in Tempo and Site. Its working for Tempo automatically. But Sites it needs a manual browser refresh. Seems to be an issue with Sites only.

    Related Action --> Start Form --> A!startprocesslink --> UI Task --> Close --> Nothing happens. Need to refresh browser manually for the screen to go back to the start form.