I have the below expression rule, and which is pointing to an entity using a constant.
a!queryEntity( entity: cons!AT_EMPLOYEE2, query: a!query( logicalExpression: a!queryLogicalExpression( operator: "AND", filters: { a!queryFilter( field: "status", operator: "=", value: ri!status ) }, ignoreFiltersWithEmptyValues: true ), pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo( startIndex: 1, batchSize: 10, sort: a!sortInfo( field: "employeeId", ascending: false ) ) ), fetchTotalCount: false ).data
and I have the below code, and which is containing a grid and the data getting loaded based on the "Status" dropdown selection.
I am getting an error while exporting the data into an excel. Can someone advise what needs to be done.
The error is at the line " entity: 'type!{urn:com:appian:types:AT}AT_employee2(rule!AT_getEmployeeDetailsByParameters(status: local!status)',"
a!localVariables( local!status, local!exportDocId, local!errorMessage, { a!boxLayout( label: "Box", contents: { a!dropdownField( label: "Status", placeholder: "-- Select a Status --", choiceLabels: { "New", "Updated", "Open" }, choiceValues: { "N", "U", "O" }, value: local!status, saveInto: local!status ) }, style: "STANDARD", marginBelow: "STANDARD" ), if( isnull(local!exportDocId), /*This link field contains the link that starts the export*/ a!linkField( labelPosition: "COLLAPSED", links: a!dynamicLink( label: "Export to Excel File", saveInto: { a!exportDataStoreEntityToExcel( entity: 'type!{urn:com:appian:types:AT}AT_employee2(rule!AT_getEmployeeDetailsByParameters(status: local!status)', documentName: "Excel Export " & now(), saveInFolder: cons!AT_DOCUMENTSFOLDER, onSuccess: a!save(local!exportDocId, fv!newDocument), /*This displays an error if there is an issue executing the the save*/ onError: a!save( local!errorMessage, "Error Exporting File to Excel" ) ) } ) ), {} ), if( /*This only displays the download link if a valid document was created*/ not(isnull(local!exportDocId)), /*This changes the link to a download link for the newly created document */ a!linkField( links: a!documentDownloadLink( label: "Download Excel File", document: local!exportDocId ) ), a!textField(value: local!errorMessage, readOnly: true) ), a!gridField( label: "Read-only Grid", labelPosition: "ABOVE", data: rule!AT_getEmployeeDetailsByParameters(status: local!status), columns: { a!gridColumn( label: "Status", sortField: "status", value: fv!row.status ), a!gridColumn( label: "Dateadded", sortField: "dateadded", value: fv!row.dateadded ), a!gridColumn( label: "Added By", sortField: "addedBy", value: fv!row.addedBy ), a!gridColumn( label: "Coverletter", sortField: "coverletter", value: fv!row.coverletter ), a!gridColumn( label: "Gender", sortField: "gender", value: fv!row.gender ), a!gridColumn( label: "Mothertongue", sortField: "mothertongue", value: fv!row.mothertongue ), a!gridColumn( label: "Date Of Birth", sortField: "dateOfBirth", value: fv!row.dateOfBirth ), a!gridColumn( label: "Age", sortField: "age", value: fv!row.age ), a!gridColumn( label: "Lastname", sortField: "lastname", value: fv!row.lastname ), a!gridColumn( label: "Firstname", sortField: "firstname", value: fv!row.firstname ), a!gridColumn( label: "Employee Id", sortField: "employeeId", value: fv!row.employeeId ) }, validations: {} ), } )
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Is it a cast issue where it can't cast from AT_employee2 to Data Store Entity? The issue seems to be that you're wanting to export data store entity but providing a CDT (which isn't the same thing).
Check out the supplied Appian documentation which has helpful information and examples: https://docs.appian.com/suite/help/21.4/Export_To_Excel_Smart_Service.html
Make sure your rule "AT_getEmployeeDetailsByParameters" has same data type regarding status. and try to change the variable name "local!status" to others... sometimes it is not working. I has same issue, so I changed the variable name and it worked.
I am able to load the data in the grid based on the "Status" selection. It is working absolutely fine.
But the issue is with "Export to Excel". When I do this, I am getting the below run time error
Expression evaluation error [evaluation ID = 8dd83:ab211] in rule 'at_employeedatagrid' : An error occurred while executing a save: Expression evaluation error at function a!exportDataStoreEntityToExcel [line 39]: Could not cast from DataSubset to Data Store Entity. Details: CastInvalid
I am getting all the columns from a table based on the "Status" column filter using Expression Rule and showing in the grid. It is perfectly already and no issues.
When I try to export the data to excel using "exportDataStoreEntityToExcel" service is it expecting an entity.
But, I can provide a constant which can refer the entire table.
I want only certain data based on the filter which I will pass. In this case it is a "Status" column.
Apologies, I misunderstood. I think you'll just need to pass through the filtering details to the exportDataStoreEntityToExcel smart service. There's a lot of good details in the documentation: https://docs.appian.com/suite/help/21.4/Export_To_Excel_Smart_Service.html.
I think the only other options would be exporting plug ins such as https://community.appian.com/b/appmarket/posts/excel-tools or https://community.appian.com/b/appmarket/posts/sql-to-excel.
Personally I would just refactor and complete the same query again in the provided exportDataStoreEntityToExcel smart service.
It is frustrating that this isn't a thing though. I believe there used to be an export CDT to Excel service but I think it's been deprecated. Would be keen to know if anyone has a set up that works well!