Hi All, We are on Appian 7.10 Cloud. Consider the use case

Hi All,

We are on Appian 7.10 Cloud.

Consider the use case:
We have a task (name: Rapid Accept Form). The task contains the grid which will display only those tasks which are assigned to logged in user. This functionality is created so that user can quickly access the tasks which are directly assigned to him. So, the flow would look something like - User completes the task - he is presented to the Rapid Accept Form - from the grid user can click on the task from the grid. Now, the task and Rapid Accept task are activity chained.
Now, this functionality is currently limited to specific departments. And whether the user will be taken to the Rapid Accept Form is decided by the process variable of type Boolean. This process variable is set at the time of job initiation depending on the department for which the job is created. Note that we have the same process model for all the departments.
We are facing one complication in following scenario.
Because employee ...



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  • ...sometime have to work cross department, the grid in the Rapid Accept Form task could contain tasks of multiple departments. Consider there are two tasks. Task A is from the department where the Rapid Accept Form functionality is turned on. Task B is from the department where the functionality is not turned on. Now there is a user, who is doing Task A. And Task B is assigned to him as well. When user completes the task A, Rapid Accept form will appear. Now, user is selecting the task B and completes it as well. Now, as per Appian's behaviour, it will try to take user to the place where the task was opened - in this case Rapid Accept Form task. But, user is greeted with the message "The task is already submitted".
    Upon further researching, I found that, activity chained tasks has the same URL on top. So, if the Task A's task id is 123, then Activity Chained Rapid Accept form will have the link ../tasks/task/123. So, after completing the Task B, the user is taken back ...
  • ...to the url ../tasks/task/123. But that task is already completed, so, the message is presented to the user.

    Is there a way I can change this redirection mechanism?

    Let me know if more information or clarification is needed.

    Thanks in Advanced.
  • Hi Tim,

    I did try with the Sites. But the underlying problem stays. After completion of the task, when user is taken to the Rapid Accept Form, he is actually being taken to the task that was completed before the Rapid Accept Form task. Hence, there will be a message displaying that the task is already submitted.
  • Sorry, misspelled your name, Tom.

    Let me know if you need more information.
  • Am I correct in understanding that the Rapid Accept Form is on a task? If that is the case then I think you can resolve the issue by placing it on a Report, since that way it will always exist.
  • Hey Tom, yes, Rapid Accept Form is on the task.

    The way it is implemented that in any process main task is activity chained with the Rapid Accept Task. So, once user completes the main task, he will be taken to the Rapid Accept Task form. In the Rapid Accept From, there is a link that will accept the next high priority task in user's queue and opens that newly accepted task.

    Now, not all the departments have adopted the Rapid Accept Functionality. So, not all the main task will take user to that Rapid Accept form. In that case user will be taken to the task queue after completion of the task. So, if user is doing single department's work, all is good. But if he is doing cross-departmental work, then it may possible that user stumble to the task of department where Rapid Accept is not an option. So following will be the flow:

    User accepts the task of department with Rapid Accept - Complete the main task - User is taken to the Rapid Accept form - User clicks on a link and a task of department which hasn't opted out for the Rapid Accept gets accepted (This task will open in a new tab) - After completion of that task, there won't be rapid accept form, and because the task was opened in the new tab, Appian will take user to the Tasks tab. Here, we want to know whether we can change the behaviour.

    About putting the grid on the report, we have that grid on the report as well. We also have the rapid accept link on the same report. But as clicking on the link will open the task in the new tab, after completion of Non-Rapid Accept task, the user is taken to the Tasks tab. And then user has to go to Reports > Task Queue. So, basically we want to update this behaviour of redirecting to the Tasks tab.

    I hope I am clear.

    Thanks again.
  • At this point it sounds like this is really a design issue, and you will need to design your models around this functionality. It seems like the most straight-forward approach is to make sure that all cross-departmental work is using the Rapid Accept design.
  • Thanks Tom for the response. This helps.

    There is one more thing I noticed. As I said, the main task and Rapid Accept Form are activity chained. Now, what happens is, the URL doesn't change when the main task completes and Rapid Accept Form appears. The TaskID remains same. Is this expected behaviour? Or did I miss anything in configuration? The reason is, when Rapid Accept Form is refreshed through browser, the message pops up saying that the task has already been submitted.
  • I believe that is expected behavior. I'm not sure of any workarounds to this, though other Forum users may have some insights into working with similar requirements.